Remember: All power is a matter of perception!
Power is the ability for one person to influence the behavior of another person.
Expert Power is the influence a person has because of the perception she has knowledge of the matter or skill to accomplish a task. Doctors, car mechanics, and chefs are people who have this influence in their particular field.
Legitimate Power is the influence a person has because of the position he is in. Police officiers, team captains, and parents have the ability to influence behavior because of the role they play.
Referent Power is the influence a one person has because person being influenced respects or admires that first person. Friends, celebrities, and role models have this influence behavior because other people admire their accomplishments, want to be like them, or care what they think.
Reward Power is the influence a person has because other people think she can give them good things or take away bad things. Candidates for public office, parents, and bosses have this influence when they promise good results for specific, desired behaviors from others.
Coercive Power is the influence a person has because other people think he can give them bad things or take away good things. Parents who ground their children; teachers who confiscate cell phones; or coaches who make a team run laps for bad performance are all using coercive power to influence behavior.