Bonus for Kindred
1. Choose: Work with theme or work with foils.
2. Use your assessed work as idea generating and write an essay based on it.
3. Your essay will be assessed on how effective your argument is (CEW).
4. You can earn up to 10 bonus points for the “Summative” bin of the grading.
5. Strong essays will demonstrate thoughtful revision.
6. What you will submit is
The initial work you did (the theme worksheet (with my comments)/the foil work from your notebook (with an OK stamp.)
A minimum of one draft on which you demonstrate thoughtful revision. (typed)
The final draft. (typed)
All of this will be in a two-pocket folder.
7. All work is due on Monday, November 30, 2009, as you walk in the door for class!
8. Bonus work will be available for pick-up early next trimester.
9. Remember: Bonus points are available only to students who have no “missing” assignments.