Agenda: 1. Kindred--Close read
What we did:
Close read: a reading strategy for reading to understand in which the writer pays careful attention to all of the words and how they affect meaning.
We read these sections to find how Dana changes in the text:
Begin on page 144 with the paragraph that begins: “And I went to the laundry yard to help…” and continue to read to page 145 where Sarah says, “Niggers writing books!”
We paid particular attention to this line on page 144: "No other slave--house or field--had that much freedom." The work "other" in this sentence indicates that Dana is thinking of herself as a slave.
Begin on page 159 with the paragraph that begins: “I finished the meal somehow, …” and continue to read to page 160 to“..and teach me quite a bit.”
Begin on page 163 where Rufus says, “I know you Dana. You want Kevin the way I want Alice,…” and continue to read to page 164 to “I got up and went out to find her.”
Begin on page 166 with Alice saying, “Serving ain’t bad…” and continue through page 168 to “What could I win?”
Begin on page 176 with “I was not aware of Rufus…” and continue through page 178 the end of part 13.
Student worked on this individually for about 20 minutes that met with a partner to talk about what they discovered about how Dana changes. Then the partners worked to revise the themes they came up with on Friday.
Remember: Theme is a inference (educated guess/claim).
For A-day, students will have their revised themes ready to work CEW with them.